A Foundation Committed to AgroParisTech’s Academic Excellence
February 11 2022At the very heart of scientific excellence since 2012, the AgroParisTech Foundation was established by AgroParisTech, the Alumni Association, and the Maison des Ingénieurs Agronomes.
It aims to discover, support, bring together, and finance talent and projects that provide solutions for the future of humanity: feeding the world, universal healthcare, and protecting the environment and biodiversity.
It provides an environment that is conducive to developing solutions, giving everyone the means to act: a scientific network of experts, skills sponsorship from a wide array of partners, financial sponsorship, the credibility of the Foundation’s label, and tax-free fundraising.

The AgroParisTech Foundation supports everyone in imagining projects that work to find solutions for the future of our planet via three initiatives:
Apprendre ! (Learn) To give everyone a chance to become an expert who is open to the rest of the world, the “Learn!” initiative funds scholarships that enable our students to lead successful studies, here and elsewhere.
S’engager ! (Get involved) By encouraging solidarity-based civic engagement, we help everyone understand that their dreams and projects can change the world.
Entreprendre ! (Start a business) We help every AgroParisTech member leverage a team approach to achieve their innovation and entrepreneurship goals.Every entrepreneurial project holds a solution to the great challenges of the world.
Every year, more than 40 projects and hundreds of students receive support to carry out their ambitions for a sustainable planet.
The foundation also develops partnership programs that work to jointly create innovative, long-term solutions capable of overcoming the major challenges of today’s world. Each of our seven sponsor partnership chairs combines complementary expertise to achieve shared goals in a way that would be impossible in isolation.
- H@rvest alliance: supporting the use of digital solutions to benefit the agricultural sector.
- CoPack chair: jointly developing environmentally friendly packaging for the ecological transition.
- Ecological Accounting chair: developing, modeling, promoting and experimenting with highlysustainable accounting systems to support the ecological transition.
InterActions chair: monitoring and supporting transition-related projects and initiatives across the country.
Urban Agriculture chair: Supporting the development of urban agriculture to create more resilient cities.
Anca chair: raising awareness and helping people make better food choices.
Cosmetology research chair: developing expertise, tools, and talent to meet the challenges of the cosmetics industry.
2022 is a big year for the Foundation, which will soon gain its independence as it becomes a self-sustaining state-approved non-profit foundation. This move will allow us to solidify the role we play in furthering citizenship, solidarity, and entrepreneurship.

Donate and join us in supporting future generations

The AgroParisTech Foundation operates under the auspices of the ParisTech Foundation, which ensures that it has the status of a state-approved non-profit foundation (FondationReconnued’UtilitéPublique, FRUP). Donors are eligible for a tax deduction.
Any donation above €20 entitles donors to receive a tax receipt.
- Individuals can deduct:
– 75% of the amount for the French wealth tax on property (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière, IFI).When you donate €100, the actual cost amounts to €25.
– 66% of the amount for income tax.When you donate €100, the actual cost amounts to €34.
- Businesses can deduct:
– 60% of the amount for corporate tax.When you donate €100, the actual cost amounts to €40.